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- Disciplinary Action
Parkland Funeral Home assessed an administrative penalty for unlicensed activity (entering into a contract by an unlicensed individual)
- Decision appealed and then the appeal was withdrawn
- Administrative Penalty has been paid
Mr. Gamdur Brar and Mrs. Satvir Brar (owners), Mr. Jim Johnston (Business Manager) and Mr. Garry Howdle (Funeral Director/Embalmer). Summary is listed below.
Pre-need trust issues and unlicensed pre-need sales
- Board decision to apply administrative penalties and pre-need business licence suspension.
- Decision not appealed and payment of penalty completed
- Board decision to apply an administrative penalty
- Board requirement for Mrs. Brar to complete the Alberta law course
- Decision not appealed and payment of penalty completed
- Board decision to apply administrative penalties
- Decision not appealed and payment of penalty completed
- Board decision to apply administrative penalties
- Decision not appealed and payment of penalty completed
- Board decision to apply administrative penalties and pre-need licence suspension. Click here for details
- Administrative Penalty only paid in part
- Board requirement for owners to complete Alberta law course
- Decision not appealed
- Board decision to apply an administrative penalty. Click here for details
- Decision not appealed
- Board decision to apply an administrative penalty. Click here for details.
- Decision not appealed, administrative penalty paid.
- Board decision to apply an administrative penalty. Click here for details
- Decision not appealed, administrative penalty paid
- Board decision to not renew the licence for a period of two years. Click here for details
- Decision appealed, appeal panel overturned Board decision and added conditions to the licence.